Sunday, February 8, 2009

Previously on 24...

Seeing as I've been in France and Spain I have not seen a single second of 24 - Day 7... and it's safe to say it's absolutely killing me. So to get my fix (with some help from an old Best Week Ever post), I now present the 10 Most Ridiculous Moments in 24 History (up to Day 7)
10. Teri Bauer get Amnesia (Day 1)
9. Jack Dies (Day 2)
8. Wayne Palmer Wakes Up from a Coma to Avert a Nuclear Strike (Day 6)
7. A Cougar (Ed. Note: Not a Foxy Older Woman) Stalks Kim Bauer (Day 2)
6. Chloe Brings a Baby into CTU (Day 3)
5. Erin Driscoll Ignore Impending Nuclear Holocaust for Quality Time with her Schizophrenic Daughter (Day 4)
4. The Vice President Sleep with an Aide... Who is Sleeping with a Spy (Day 6)
3. Kim Returns to the House of a Murderer (Day 2)
2. Jack Cuts off Chase's Hand (Day 3)
1. A Nuclear Bomb Detonates in Los Angeles and Panic Fails to Ensue (Day 6)

1 comment:

  1. I believe technically the historical term was "holocaust"
