It's no secret now, us Men are a proud race. That's why we constantly put wagers on things... plus degenerate gambling is really badass. This past week (with the introduction of the KFC Famous Bowl and Drink for $2.99) we've started wagering food on casual golf games. I was giddy like a school girl when after 18 holes I had earned 2 Famous Bowls (and subsequently 2 medium drinks). This food gambling did not quit, like junkies we kept upping the odds... until we came upon the greatest fast food menu item of all time. We've all heard of and enjoyed the McDonald's 'Surf and Turf' in which you split a Double Cheeseburger in half and place a Fillet O'Fish in the middle... it's genius. But then I heard about the McGangBang. It's essentially a heart attack between 2 buns, but yet it's extremely fiscally responsible. You take a Double Cheese and a McChicken, split the Che and place the Chicken inside. I'll include a picture those those nonbelievers, but let me tell you folks, this is a great off menu item. Essentially for $2.10 you're getting extremely full and ensuring that you won't live past 57. So now, I present to you...
The McGangBang
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