Excuse me but I’m going to go on a bit of a rant here… but I don’t want a bunch of comments saying how biased I am so I’m going to clear a few things up first.
1. I always drive with my vehicle’s lights on.
2. I believe in Global Warmin… sorry, Global Climate Change (is that what we’re calling it now?)
3. I don’t think it’s half as big of a threat that people make it out to be.
4. In 2004 I voted for George W. Bush.
5. In 2008 I voted for Barack Obama.
6. I am registered to vote as a Moderate.
Ok, I hope that shows that I really show no defining bias… except against idiots, and with that I will get to my rant. I recently made a trip up to UWL (or The U as it’s more commonly known) to move a recliner. Putzing around leaving the city I pulled into a Kwik Trip to pick up a few things, and I parked, forgot turn off my lights and got out of my truck and started walking down the sidewalk. A fairly attractive (and for all intensive purposes normal looking) female walked up to me – being the normal upstanding citizen I am, I smiled and said hello. At this point she made a smarmy face and said to me (and this is the conversation roughly verbatim)…
Chick – ‘You should really turn your lights off…’
Me – ‘Oh, I’m not too worried about the battery.’
Chick – ‘Well I’m worried about the environment and don’t like when people waste energy.’
Me – ‘You cannot be serious.’
Chick – ‘I’m very serious when it comes to the planet.’
Me - *laugh in here face, walk about three steps then turn around, look at her – then keep walking while laughing out loud*
(… and Scene)
Listen, I understand that you probably watch An Inconvenient Truth in your Environmental Studies class and probably quote it all the time thinking you’re being a better person – but you’re just making yourself look like an idiot. IT’S NOT EVEN HOW CARS WORK! There’s an alternator that recharges the battery… it doesn’t run on natural gas, or gasoline, or unicorn tears… or whatever resources the earth is running out of. There’s a reason that we’re trying make cars that run off this technology.
Now I know that the reason you think you’re so progressive is to impress the dreamy liberal that’s the head of the College Democrats… but let’s be honest, the only reason he took that position is because he knows most the chicks there are wildly Pro-Choice. In the same turn that I know College Republicans that joined knowing that most the chicks are conservative Jesus freaks that are hard up for it… but I digress.
I have no problem with people expressing their opinion, or trying to better the world. But when you say things that are so absurd it just makes me assume you rode the short bus to school. Now we all know there have to be alternative energies and more efficient ways to make a vehicle run… unfortunately the re-usable foot technology hasn’t been used since the time of The Flintstones. Now before you go around and keep making an ass of yourself I hope someone goes Jim Calhoun on you and demands, ‘you get the facts, and come back to me!’
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