The story of Observe and Report is almost hard to explain... if only because it's all over the place. Seth Rogen plays Ronnie Barnardt, a mall rent-a-cop who believes he's in charge of protecting the mall at all costs. When a streaker and string of robberies hit the mall Ronnie springs into action, while actual cops (played by Ray Liotta) actually try and solve the crime. Add in Ronnie's attempt to become a legitimate cop and his borderline obsession with the blonde at the make-up counter Brandi (played by Anna Faris) makes this a jam packed 86 minutes.
Some of the problems in this movie is that it mixes fairly smart and dark humor with a lot of sophomoric jokes made for idiots. This was proven perfectly with the group of about 12 High School kids in the screening I saw who treated Seth Rogen and Aziz Ansari yelling 'Fuck You' back and forth like it was whit on par with Woody Allen. Once it got back to no dick and fart jokes the pricks continued to talk and be obnoxious the entire movie... it really has nothing to do with my review, I just cannot fucking stand when people do that.
But I digress... to the question that I thought about all movie - when did Anna Faris get hot? I remember during the Scary Movie series I could not stand her... it could be because she was staring in such hacky trash, but she didn't seem all that attractive or funny. Now she really hasn't done that many great movies since (sans Brokeback Mountain) but in interviews she's actually been fairly funny and is actually fairly hot now - so I can let it slide. She steals several scenes, and is actually pretty good in this role. Most of the supporting cast is good though including Michael Pena in a change of pace for him, and Danny McBride with a great quick cameo.
But performances aside this movie is an absolute hot mess, there is no way around it. Director Jody Hill takes us all over the place with no real purpose until the last half or so. The most frustrating part about Hill's direction is that he's proven he's competent with good material, Foot Fist Way is extremely underrated and he's directed several episodes of HBO's fantastic comedy Eastbound and Down. But the tone jumps all over the place - but then again, it could also be because it seems he's trying to make Paul Blart: Mall Cop meets Taxi Driver.

Even with my qualms with the pacing and tone, this movie is damn funny. And as much as the first half drags and meanders, the second half is enjoyable and down right hilarious. Seth Rogen plays a different role in this, instead of the lovable loser, he plays the awkward and borderline likable loser. He hits most the right notes, and as I said earlier, if it weren't for the last half (especially the last 15-20 minutes) this movie would be an absolute train wreck.
Observe and Report has a running time of 86 minutes, and is Rated R for pervasive language, graphic nudity, drug use, sexual content and violence.
All over the place, but still funny - Observe and Report squeaks by with 3 out of 5 Stars.
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